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Clarke, D., A. Ilic, A. Lastovetsky, and L. Sousa, "Hierarchical Partitioning Algorithm for Scientific Computing on Highly Heterogeneous CPU + GPU Clusters", 18th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2012), Rhodes Island, Greece, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7484, Springer, pp. 489-501, 27-31 August, 2012.  Download: Hierarchical_Partitioing.pdf (356.76 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., M. Fahad, H. Khaleghzadeh, S. Khokhriakov, R. Reddy, A. Shahid, L. Szustak, and R. Wyrzykowski, "How Pre-multicore Methods and Algorithms Perform in Multicore Era", High Performance Computing. ISC High Performance 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11203, Frankfurt, Springer Nature, pp. 527-539, 24-26 June, 2018, 2019.  Download: nesus-isc-paper.pdf (574.34 KB)
Shahid, A., M. Fahad, R. Reddy, and A. Lastovetsky, "Improving the Accuracy of Energy Predictive Models for Multicore CPUs Using Additivity of Performance Monitoring Counters", 15th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2019), Almaty, Kazakhstan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11657, Springer, pp. 51-66, 08/2019.  Download: PaCT2019.pdf (370.4 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., L. Szustak, and R. Wyrzykowski, "Model-based optimization of EULAG kernel on Intel Xeon Phi through load imbalancing", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 28, issue 3: IEEE, pp. 787-797, 03/2017.  Download: TPDS_15.pdf (812.34 KB)
Dichev, K., S. Stork, R. Keller, and E. Fernández, "MPI Support in the Grid", Journal of Computing and Informatics, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 213–222, 2008.
Brady, T., O. Girko, and A. Lastovetsky, "Smart RPC-based computing in Grids and on Clouds", Large Scale Network-Centric Computing Systems: Wiley-Interscience, pp. 255-290, 11/2013.  Download: smart_rpc_in_grids_and_clouds_final.pdf (403.82 KB)
Brady, T., J. Dongarra, M. Guidolin, A. Lastovetsky, and K. Seymour, "SmartGridRPC: The new RPC model for high performance Grid computing", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 22, issue 18, pp. 2467-2487, 2010.  Download: smartgridrpc_ccpe_2010.pdf (1.1 MB)