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Reddy, R., and A. Lastovetsky, "HeteroMPI + ScaLAPACK: Towards a ScaLAPACK (Dense Linear Solvers) on Heterogeneous Networks of Computers", Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2006), vol. 4297, Bangalore, India, Springer, pp. 242-253, 18-21 Dec 2006.  Download: 1161251345946.pdf (202.11 KB)
Reddy, R., A. Lastovetsky, and P. Alonso, "HeteroPBLAS: A Set of Parallel Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms Optimized for Heterogeneous Computational Clusters", Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 201-216, 06/2009.  Download: SCPE_10_2_06.pdf (248.74 KB)
Reddy, R., A. Lastovetsky, and P. Alonso, "Heterogeneous PBLAS: Optimization of PBLAS for Heterogeneous Computational Clusters", 7th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Krakow, Poland, pp. 73-80, Jul 1-5, 2008. Abstract  Download: ispdc_rreddy_HeteroPBLAS.pdf (268.49 KB)
Reddy, R., "HMPI: A Message-Passing Library for Heterogeneous Networks of Computers", Computer Science Department, Dublin, University College Dublin, pp. 456, 06/2005.  Download: Ravi_thesis.pdf (1.89 MB)
Quintin, J. - N., K. Hasanov, and A. Lastovetsky, "Hierarchical Parallel Matrix Multiplication on Large-Scale Distributed Memory Platforms", 42nd International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2013), Lyon, France, IEEE, pp. 754-762, 1-4 October, 2013.  Download: 06687414.pdf (480.2 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., "Heterogeneous Parallel Computing: from Clusters of Workstations to Hierarchical Hybrid Platforms", Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, vol. 1, issue 3, pp. 70-87, 12/2014.  Download: 32-140-2-PB.pdf (747.18 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., M. Fahad, H. Khaleghzadeh, S. Khokhriakov, R. Reddy, A. Shahid, L. Szustak, and R. Wyrzykowski, "How Pre-multicore Methods and Algorithms Perform in Multicore Era", High Performance Computing. ISC High Performance 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11203, Frankfurt, Springer Nature, pp. 527-539, 24-26 June, 2018, 2019.  Download: nesus-isc-paper.pdf (574.34 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., and R. Reddy, "HeteroMPI: Towards a Message-Passing Library for Heterogeneous Networks of Computers", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 66, issue 2: Elsevier, pp. 197-220, 2006.  Download: JPDC_HMPI_2006.pdf (349.02 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., and R. Reddy, "HMPI: Towards a Message-Passing Library for Heterogeneous Networks of Computers", Proceedings of the 17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2003), Nice, France, IEEE Computer Society, 22-26 April 2003.  Download: IPDPS2003_HMPI.pdf (144.95 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., "Heterogeneity in parallel and distributed computing", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 73, issue 12, pp. 1523-1524, 2013.  Download: jpdc-2013.pdf (152.05 KB)
Khaleghzadeh, H., H. Deldari, R. Reddy, and A. Lastovetsky, "Hierarchical Multicore Thread Mapping via Estimation of Remote Communication", The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 74, issue 3: Springer, pp. 1321-1340, 03/2018.
Kalinov, A., A. Lastovetsky, and Y. Robert, "Heterogeneous Computing", Parallel Computing, vol. 31, issue 7: Elsevier, pp. 649-812, 2005.  Download: HC_2005.pdf (61 KB)
Kalinov, A., and A. Lastovetsky, "Heterogeneous Distribution of Computations Solving Linear Algebra Problems on Networks of Heterogeneous Computers", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 61, issue 4: Academic Press, pp. 520-535, 2001.  Download: SolvinLinearAlgebra_2001.pdf (229.46 KB)
Kalinov, A., and A. Lastovetsky, "Heterogeneous Distribution of Computations While Solving Linear Algebra Problems on Networks of Heterogeneous Computers", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking Europe (HPCN`99), vol. 1593: Springer, pp. 191-200, 1999.  Download: 1124709633906.pdf (528.05 KB)
Hasanov, K., and A. Lastovetsky, "Hierarchical Optimization of MPI Reduce Algorithms", 13th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2015), Petrozavodsk, Russia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9251, Springer, pp. 21-34, 31 Aug - 4 Sept, 2015.  Download: pact2015reduce.pdf (812.37 KB)
Hasanov, K., "Hierarchical Approach to Optimization of MPI Collective Communication Algorithms", School of Computer Science, Dublin, University College Dublin, pp. 152, 10/2015.  Download: khalid-thesis-oct-2015.pdf (1.1 MB)
Hasanov, K., and A. Lastovetsky, "Hierarchical redesign of classic MPI reduction algorithms", The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 73, issue 2: Springer, pp. 713-725, 02/2017.  Download: TJS-Hasanov-2016.pdf (593.41 KB)
Hasanov, K., J. - N. Quintin, and A. Lastovetsky, "High-Level Topology-Oblivious Optimization of MPI Broadcast Algorithms on Extreme-Scale Platforms", Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops, Vol. 8806 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Porto, Portugal, Springer, pp. 413-425, 25-29 August, 2014.  Download: tasus_2014.pdf (280.75 KB)
Clarke, D., A. Ilic, A. Lastovetsky, and L. Sousa, "Hierarchical Partitioning Algorithm for Scientific Computing on Highly Heterogeneous CPU + GPU Clusters", 18th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2012), Rhodes Island, Greece, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7484, Springer, pp. 489-501, 27-31 August, 2012.  Download: Hierarchical_Partitioing.pdf (356.76 KB)