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Reddy, R., and A. Lastovetsky, "HeteroMPI + ScaLAPACK: Towards a ScaLAPACK (Dense Linear Solvers) on Heterogeneous Networks of Computers", Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2006), vol. 4297, Bangalore, India, Springer, pp. 242-253, 18-21 Dec 2006.  Download: 1161251345946.pdf (202.11 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., "Scientific Programming for Heterogeneous Systems - Bridging the Gap between Algorithms and Applications", Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering (PARELEC 2006), Bialystok, Poland, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 3-8, 13-17 Sept 2006.  Download: 1152191152218.pdf (66.64 KB)
Higgins, R., and A. Lastovetsky, "Scheduling for Heterogeneous Networks of Computers with Persistent Fluctuation of Load", Parallel Computing: Current & Future Issues of High-End Computing, Proceedings of the International Conference ParCo 2005, vol. 33, Malaga, Spain, John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Julich, pp. 171-178, 13-16 Sept 2005, 2006.  Download: 171.pdf (395.65 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., I. - H. Mkwawa, and M. O'Flynn, "An Accurate Communication Model of a Heterogeneous Cluster Based on a Switch-Enabled Ethernet Network", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2006), vol. 2, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 15-20, 12-15 July 2006.  Download: 1153144642501.pdf (136.5 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., and R. Reddy, "HeteroMPI: Towards a Message-Passing Library for Heterogeneous Networks of Computers", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 66, issue 2: Elsevier, pp. 197-220, 2006.  Download: JPDC_HMPI_2006.pdf (349.02 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., X. Zuo, and P. Zhao, "A Non-Intrusive and Incremental Approach to Enabling Direct Communications in RPC-based Grid Programming Systems", Computational Science - ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference, Reading, UK, May 28-31, 2006, Proceedings, Part III, vol. 3993: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 1008-1011, 2006.  Download: WSES06.pdf (120.33 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., "Modeling Performance of Processors for High Performance Computing on Heterogeneous Networks", Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Modern Applied Software Systems, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, 25-31 May 2005.
Kalinov, A., M. Posypkin, A. Lastovetsky, and I. Ledovskih, "The Concept of Replication of Data and Expressions as a Means to Increase Reliability of Parallel Programs", Proceedings of the 7th Russian Conference on Scientific Service in the Internet: Distributed Computing Technologies, Novorossiysk, Russia, 19-24 Sept 2005.
Lastovetsky, A., and R. Reddy, "A Variable Group Block Distribution Strategy for Dense Factorizations on Networks of Heterogeneous Computers", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2005), vol. 3911, Poznan, Poland, Springer, 11-14 Sept 2005.  Download: PPAM_HPC_Hetero_LU_2005.pdf (79.43 KB)
Reddy, R., "HMPI: A Message-Passing Library for Heterogeneous Networks of Computers", Computer Science Department, Dublin, University College Dublin, pp. 456, 06/2005.  Download: Ravi_thesis.pdf (1.89 MB)
Zhao, P., and A. Lastovetsky, "Event Logging: Portable and Efficient Checkpointing in Heterogeneous Environments with Non-FIFO Communication Platforms", Proceedings of the 19th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2005), Denver, Colorado, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 04-08 April 2005.  Download: IPDPS_checkpointing_2005.pdf (208.71 KB)
Zhao, P., "libELC - A Portable Library Enabling Fault Tolerance of MPI Programs in Heterogeneous Environments", Department of Computer Sciences, University College Dublin, Dublin, University College Dublin, pp. 149, 01/2005.  Download: libELC_thesis_2005.pdf (2.17 MB)
Lastovetsky, A., and R. Reddy, "Data Partitioning for Multiprocessors with Memory Heterogeneity and Memory Constraints", Scientific Programming, vol. 13, issue 2: IOS Press, pp. 93-112, 2005.  Download: JSP_data_partitioning_2005.pdf (204.98 KB)
Kalinov, A., A. Lastovetsky, and Y. Robert, "Heterogeneous Computing", Parallel Computing, vol. 31, issue 7: Elsevier, pp. 649-812, 2005.  Download: HC_2005.pdf (61 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., "Parallel Testing of Distributed Software", Information and Software Technology, vol. 47, issue 10: Elsevier, pp. 657-662, 2005.  Download: ParTestSoft_2005.pdf (49.1 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., and J. Twamley, "Towards a Realistic Performance Model for Networks of Heterogeneous Computers", Proceedings of IFIP TC5 Workshop, World Computer Congress, August 22-27 2004, Toulouse, France: Springer, pp. 39-58, 2005.  Download: IFIP TC5_Workshop_2005.pdf (583.39 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., and R. Reddy, "Data Partitioning with a Realistic Performance Model of Networks of Heterogeneous Computers with Task Size Limits", Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing/Third International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks (ISPDC/HeteroPar'04), Cork, Ireland, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 133-140, 5-7 July 2004.  Download: ISPDC_data_partitioning.pdf (93.4 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., and R. Reddy, "Data Partitioning with a Realistic Performance Model of Networks of Heterogeneous Computers", Proceedings of the 18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2004), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 26-30 April 2004.  Download: IPDPS_data_partitioning.pdf (140.62 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., and R. Reddy, "On Performance Analysis of Heterogeneous Parallel Algorithms", Parallel Computing, vol. 30, issue 11, pp. 1195-1216, 2004.  Download: ParCom2004_hetero_perf.pdf (750.84 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., "Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks: Challenges and Responses", Problems of Programming, vol. 10, issue 2-3, pp. 251-260, 2004.  Download: 34 - Lastovetsky.pdf (95.7 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., and R. Reddy, "Classification of Partitioning Problems for Networks of Heterogeneous Computers", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2003), vol. 3019, Czestochowa, Poland, Springer, pp. 921-929, September 7-10, 2003.  Download: PPAM_classification.pdf (75.86 KB)
Lastovetsky, A., and R. Reddy, "HMPI: Towards a Message-Passing Library for Heterogeneous Networks of Computers", Proceedings of the 17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2003), Nice, France, IEEE Computer Society, 22-26 April 2003.  Download: IPDPS2003_HMPI.pdf (144.95 KB)