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"Design and optimization of scientific applications for highly heterogeneous and hierarchical HPC platforms using functional computation performance models",
High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments: Wiley, pp. 235-260, 2014.
Download: fpm-complexhpc-web.pdf (634.61 KB)
"FuPerMod: a software tool for the optimization of data-parallel applications on heterogeneous platforms",
The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 69, issue 1: Springer US, pp. 61- 69, 2014.
Download: fupermod-jos-2014.pdf (276.83 KB)
"Optimization of collective communication for heterogeneous HPC platforms",
High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments: Wiley, pp. 95-114, 2014.
Download: coll-comm-complexhpc2013.pdf (334.71 KB)
"FuPerMod: A Framework for Optimal Data Partitioning for Parallel Scientific Applications on Dedicated Heterogeneous HPC Platforms",
12th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2013), St. Petersburg, Russia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7979, Springer, pp. 182-196, 30 Sept - 4 Oct, 2013.
Download: pact2013-fupermod.pdf (367.48 KB)
"Communication Models for Resource Constrained Hierarchical Ethernet Networks",
11th International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (HeteroPar'2013), Aachen, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8374, Springer, pp. 259-269, 26 August, 2013.
Download: hetPar13-final-08.pdf (614.88 KB)
"Efficient and reliable network tomography in heterogeneous networks using BitTorrent broadcasts and clustering algorithms",
Scientific Programming, vol. 21, issue 3-4: IOS Press, pp. 79-92, 12/2013.
Download: sci-pro-2013.pdf (702.01 KB)
"Smart RPC-based computing in Grids and on Clouds",
Large Scale Network-Centric Computing Systems: Wiley-Interscience, pp. 255-290, 11/2013.
Download: smart_rpc_in_grids_and_clouds_final.pdf (403.82 KB)
"Hierarchical Parallel Matrix Multiplication on Large-Scale Distributed Memory Platforms",
42nd International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2013), Lyon, France, IEEE, pp. 754-762, 1-4 October, 2013.
Download: 06687414.pdf (480.2 KB)
"Heterogeneity in parallel and distributed computing",
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 73, issue 12, pp. 1523-1524, 2013.
Download: jpdc-2013.pdf (152.05 KB)
"Efficient and Reliable Network Tomography in Heterogeneous Networks Using BitTorrent Broadcasts and Clustering Algorithms",
ACM/IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'12), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 11-15, 2012.
Download: sc12.pdf (595.58 KB)
"Partitioning for Parallel Matrix-Matrix Multiplication with Heterogeneous Processors: The Optimal Solution",
21st International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop (HCW 2012), Shanghai, China, IEEE Computer Society, May 21, 2012.
Download: PID2221951.pdf (677.03 KB)
"Using Static Code Analysis to Improve Performance of GridRPC Applications",
9th High-Performance Grid and Cloud Computing Workshop (HPGC 2012), Shanghai, China, IEEE Computer Society, May 21, 2012.
Download: 12.pdf (332.29 KB)
"Column-Based Matrix Partitioning for Parallel Matrix Multiplication on Heterogeneous Processors Based on Functional Performance Models",
9th International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (HeteroPar'2011) , Bordeaux, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7155, Springer, pp. 450-459, August 29, 2011, 2012.
Download: Matrix_Multiplication_Heterogeneous_full.pdf (310.85 KB)
"MPI vs BitTorrent : Switching Between Large-Message Broadcast Algorithms in the Presence of Bottleneck Links",
10th International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (HeteroPar'2012), Rhodes Island, Greece, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7640, Springer, pp. 185-195, August 27, 2012.
Download: Dichev-HeteroPar2012.pdf (204.69 KB)
"Hierarchical Partitioning Algorithm for Scientific Computing on Highly Heterogeneous CPU + GPU Clusters",
18th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2012), Rhodes Island, Greece, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7484, Springer, pp. 489-501, 27-31 August, 2012.
Download: Hierarchical_Partitioing.pdf (356.76 KB)
"Design and implementation of adaptive parallel algorithms on heterogeneous computing systems",
3rd International Conference on Information Technologies, Astana, Kazakhstan, 25-26 June, 2012.
Download: razrabotka.pdf (468.08 KB)
"Data Partitioning on Heterogeneous Multicore and Multi-GPU Systems Using Functional Performance Models of Data-Parallel Applications",
2012 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2012), Beijing, China, pp. 191-199, 24-28 September, 2012.
Download: Cluster2012.pdf (265.71 KB)
"Using Multidimensional Solvers for Optimal Data Partitioning on Dedicated Heterogeneous HPC Platforms ",
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2011), LNCS 6873, Kazan, Russia, Springer, pp. 332-346, September 19-23, 2011.
Download: pact-2011.pdf (337.7 KB)
"Improvement of the Bandwidth of Cross-Site MPI Communication Using Optical Fiber",
EuroMPI 2011, vol. 6960, Santorini, Greece, Springer, September 18-21, 2011.
Download: eurompi2011-short-paper.pdf (216.17 KB)
"Data Partitioning on Heterogeneous Multicore Platforms",
2011 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2011), Austin, Texas, USA, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 580-584, Sept 26-30, 2011.
Download: cluster2011.pdf (269.7 KB)
"Dynamic Load Balancing of Parallel Computational Iterative Routines on Platforms with Memory Heterogeneity",
Europar 2010 / Heteropar'2010, Ischia-Naples, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6586, Springer, pp. 41-50, 31/08/2010, 2011.
Download: Dynamic Load Balancing of Iterative Algorithms -FINAL.pdf (238.67 KB)
"Max-Plus Algebra and Discrete Event Simulation on Parallel Hierarchical Heterogeneous Platforms",
8th International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (HeteroPar 2010), Ischia-Naples, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6586, Springer, pp. 63-70, 31/08/2010, 2011.
Download: Becker_10_8Pages.pdf (657.16 KB)
"Design and implementation of self-adaptable parallel algorithms for scientific computing on highly heterogeneous HPC platforms",, no. arXiv:1109.3074, 09/2011.
Download: 1109.3074.pdf (1.04 MB)
"Theoretical Results on Optimal Partitoning for Matrix-Matrix Multiplication with Two Processors",
School of Computer Science and Informatics, University College Dublin, no. UCD-CSI-2011-09, 09/2011.
Download: ucd-csi-2011-09.pdf (678.89 KB)
"Dynamic Load Balancing of Parallel Computational Iterative Routines on Highly Heterogeneous HPC Platforms",
Parallel Processing Letters, vol. 21, issue 2: World Scientific, pp. 195-217, 06/2011.
Download: DLB_PCIR_HHHP-16.pdf (797.9 KB)