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"Design of self-adaptable data parallel applications on multicore clusters automatically optimized for performance and energy through load distribution",
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 31, issue 4: Wiley, 02/2019.
Download: ccpe2018ravi.pdf (1.67 MB)
"Data Partitioning on Multicore and Multi-GPU Platforms Using Functional Performance Models",
IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 64, issue 9: IEEE, pp. 2506-2518, 09/2015.
Download: 06975085.pdf (2.08 MB)
"Design and Implementation of Parallel Algorithms for Modern Heterogeneous Platforms Based on the Functional Performance Model",
School of Computer Science and Informatics, Dublin, University College Dublin, pp. 117, 05/2014.
Download: DavidClarke_PhDthesis.pdf (1.22 MB)
"Design and optimization of scientific applications for highly heterogeneous and hierarchical HPC platforms using functional computation performance models",
High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments: Wiley, pp. 235-260, 2014.
Download: fpm-complexhpc-web.pdf (634.61 KB)
"Design and Optimization of OpenFOAM-based CFD Applications for Modern Hybrid and Heterogeneous HPC Platforms",
School of Computer Science and Informatics, Dublin, University College Dublin, pp. 89, 12/2013.
Download: AmaniAlOnazi_Thesis.pdf (2.82 MB)
"Design and implementation of adaptive parallel algorithms on heterogeneous computing systems",
3rd International Conference on Information Technologies, Astana, Kazakhstan, 25-26 June, 2012.
Download: razrabotka.pdf (468.08 KB)
"Data Partitioning on Heterogeneous Multicore and Multi-GPU Systems Using Functional Performance Models of Data-Parallel Applications",
2012 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2012), Beijing, China, pp. 191-199, 24-28 September, 2012.
Download: Cluster2012.pdf (265.71 KB)
"Data Partitioning on Heterogeneous Multicore Platforms",
2011 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2011), Austin, Texas, USA, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 580-584, Sept 26-30, 2011.
Download: cluster2011.pdf (269.7 KB)
"Dynamic Load Balancing of Parallel Computational Iterative Routines on Platforms with Memory Heterogeneity",
Europar 2010 / Heteropar'2010, Ischia-Naples, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6586, Springer, pp. 41-50, 31/08/2010, 2011.
Download: Dynamic Load Balancing of Iterative Algorithms -FINAL.pdf (238.67 KB)
"Design and implementation of self-adaptable parallel algorithms for scientific computing on highly heterogeneous HPC platforms",, no. arXiv:1109.3074, 09/2011.
Download: 1109.3074.pdf (1.04 MB)
"Dynamic Load Balancing of Parallel Computational Iterative Routines on Highly Heterogeneous HPC Platforms",
Parallel Processing Letters, vol. 21, issue 2: World Scientific, pp. 195-217, 06/2011.
Download: DLB_PCIR_HHHP-16.pdf (797.9 KB)
"Distributed Data Partitioning for Heterogeneous Processors Based on Partial Estimation of their Functional Performance Models",
7th International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (HeteroPar 2009) , Delft, Netherlands, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6043, Springer, pp. 91-101, 25/9/2009, 2010.
Download: heteropar2009-1.pdf (1.21 MB)
"Data distribution for dense factorization on computers with memory heterogeneity",
Parallel Computing, vol. 33, issue 12, pp. 757-779, 12/2007.
Download: sdarticle.pdf (714.34 KB)
"Data Partitioning with a Functional Performance Model of Heterogeneous Processors",
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 21, issue 1: Sage, pp. 76-90, 2007.
Download: 76.pdf (497.14 KB)
"Design and Implementation of a Parallel Heterogeneous Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Analysis Using HeteroMPI",
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2006), Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 301-308, 6-9 July 2006.
Download: 1164709461322.pdf (951.31 KB)
"Data Partitioning for Multiprocessors with Memory Heterogeneity and Memory Constraints",
Scientific Programming, vol. 13, issue 2: IOS Press, pp. 93-112, 2005.
Download: JSP_data_partitioning_2005.pdf (204.98 KB)
"Data Partitioning with a Realistic Performance Model of Networks of Heterogeneous Computers with Task Size Limits",
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing/Third International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks (ISPDC/HeteroPar'04), Cork, Ireland, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 133-140, 5-7 July 2004.
Download: ISPDC_data_partitioning.pdf (93.4 KB)
"Data Partitioning with a Realistic Performance Model of Networks of Heterogeneous Computers",
Proceedings of the 18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2004), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 26-30 April 2004.
Download: IPDPS_data_partitioning.pdf (140.62 KB)