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O'Brien, K., A. Lastovetsky, I. Petri, and R. Sakellariou, "Towards Application Energy Measurement and Modelling Tool Support", 13th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2015), Petrozavodsk, Russia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9251, Springer, pp. 91-101, 31 Aug - 4 Sept, 2015.  Download: pact2015energy.pdf (383.55 KB)
Kalinov, A., A. Lastovetsky, I. Ledovskih, and M. Posypkin, "Refined Description of the C[] Language", Programming and Computer Software, vol. 28, issue 6, pp. 333-341, 2002.  Download: RefDescr_2002.pdf (54.55 KB)
Valencia, D., A. Plaza, V. Rychkov, and A. Lastovetsky, "Efficient Collective Communication Paradigms for Hyperspectral Imaging Algorithms Using HeteroMPI", Proceedings of the 15th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting on Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 326–331, September 7-10, 2008.  Download: fulltext.pdf (759.33 KB)
Kalinov, A., A. Lastovetsky, I. Ledovskih, and M. Posypkin, "Effective Solving Scientific Problems on Heterogeneous Networks of Computers with mpC", Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, vol. 2, issue 1-2: IOS Press, pp. 135-140, 2002.
Valencia, D., A. Lastovetsky, and A. Plaza, "Design and Implementation of a Parallel Heterogeneous Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Analysis Using HeteroMPI", Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2006), Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 301-308, 6-9 July 2006.  Download: 1164709461322.pdf (951.31 KB)
Kalinov, A., M. Posypkin, A. Lastovetsky, and I. Ledovskih, "The Concept of Replication of Data and Expressions as a Means to Increase Reliability of Parallel Programs", Proceedings of the 7th Russian Conference on Scientific Service in the Internet: Distributed Computing Technologies, Novorossiysk, Russia, 19-24 Sept 2005.