fupermod: Functional Performance Models of heterogeneous processors

fupermod_precision Struct Reference

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int reps_min
int reps_max
double cl
double eps
double time_max_rep
double zero_speed
double time_max_kill

Detailed Description

Precision of measurement. Used as an input argument of benchmark functions. To provide reliable results, the computation experiments in each benchmark are repeated either fixed or variable number of times. This data structure allows the user to control the accuracy and efficiency of benchmarking.

  • Assigning to reps_min and reps_max the same values results in the fixed number of repetitions of the computation operation, with the cl and eps arguments being ignored (this allows the user to control the efficiency of benchmarking).
  • If reps_min < reps_max, the experiments are repeated until a confidence interval, fupermod_point::ci, found with the confidence level, cl = $ Pr(|\bar T - \mu| < ci) $, satisfies $ \displaystyle\frac{ci}{\bar T} < $ eps, or the number of repetitions reaches its maximum, reps_max (this allows the user to control the accuracy of benchmarking).
  • If total benchmarking time exceeds time_max_rep then no more repetitions are attempted.
  • If zero_speed > 0, pthreads are used which allows the benchmark to be killed after a time interval x, where x = min(complexity(d)/zero_speed, time_max_kill).

Member Data Documentation

Minimum number of repetitions

Maximum number of repetitions

Confidence level

Relative error

If benchmark has exceeded this time do not do another repetition

If benchmark slower then this speed, kill it with pthreads, if zero_speed <= 0, do not use pthreads

If zero_speed > 0, and benchmark has exceeded this time kill it with pthreads

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