Performance models of processors in heterogeneous platforms
- PMM: Performance Model Manager
- FuPerMod: a software tool for optimal data partitioning of parallel scientific applications on dedicated heterogeneous HPC platforms
Communication performance models of heterogeneous platforms
- MPIBlib: MPI Benchmark Library
- CPM: Communication Performance Modeling
- NT: Network Tomography, a new method of network tomography combining the BitTorrent protocol with modern clustering algorithms to reconstruct the bandwidth-related properties of unknown networks
- h-algo: heterogeneous algorithms
- mpC: High level programming language for heterogeneous parallel computing
- HeteroMPI: An extension of MPI for high performance heterogeneous computing
- libELC: A portable library enabling fault tolerance of MPI programs in heterogeneous environments
- SmartGridSolve: High level programming system for high performance Grid computing
- NI-Connect: Non-intrusive and incremental evolution of Grid programming systems
- ADL: Algorithm Definition Language, a new language and compiler that is designed to improve the performance of GridRPC/SmartGridRPC applications.
- HeteroScaLAPACK: A Linear Algebra Library for Heterogeneous Networks of Computers
- HydroPad: a Grid enabled astrophysical application that simulates the evolution of clusters of galaxies in the universe
- ZZGemmOoc: Efficient out-of-core solvers performing dense Matrix-Matrix multiplication on one or more GPUs.
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