fupermod: Functional Performance Models of heterogeneous processors

Configuration of MPI process


struct  fupermod_process_conf




void fupermod_conf_free (fupermod_process_conf conf)
fupermod_process_conf fupermod_get_conf (MPI_Comm comm, char *filename)
fupermod_process_conffupermod_get_conf_all (char *filename, int *size)
fupermod_process_conffupermod_get_conf_all_sorted (MPI_Comm comm, char *filename, int *size)
void fupermod_print_conf (MPI_Comm comm, int root, FILE *file, char *default_device_type, char *subopts)
int fupermod_comm_intra (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *comm_intra)
int fupermod_comm_inter (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *comm_inter)
char ** fupermod_gather_hostnames (int root, MPI_Comm comm)
char ** fupermod_allgather_hostnames (MPI_Comm comm)

Detailed Description

Provides configuration settings specific to each MPI process.

  • Hardware to run on.
  • File names to read and write to.
  • Distribution to use.

Allows the distribution outputted by the partitioner to be associated with a specific device on a host. Devices are addressed by their hostname and rank_intra (MPI rank within a node). The device_type parameter can be used to cause the execution of the kernel or routine to be done on a specific device, eg. cpu or gpu, however since it is device_type char* more specific device types such as gpu1, gpu2, fpga etc. may be used.

This data is stored in fupermod_device_info structure and input and output to conf_file. It is also used in file names of FPMs and in the partition.dist file.

Example conf_file

#hostname                      rank_intra  bind  device_type  suboptions
adonis-1.grenoble.grid5000.fr  0           na     gpu           <some optional params for gpu on adonis-1: device_id_start number_devices memory_alloc_mode algorithm is_overlap>
adonis-1.grenoble.grid5000.fr  1           na     cpu           <some optional params for first cpu on adonis-1>
adonis-1.grenoble.grid5000.fr  2           na     cpu           
edel-1.grenoble.grid5000.fr    0           na     cpu           OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 <If implemented, this MPI process could use all cores on host>

Example FPM filename:


Example partition.dist file:

#size 4
#D 1400
#host                          rank_intra  d    time       i  x       complexity  speed
adonis-1.grenoble.grid5000.fr  0           800  1.000e-02  0  0       800         80000
adonis-1.grenoble.grid5000.fr  1           100  1.000e-02  1  800     100         10000
adonis-1.grenoble.grid5000.fr  2           100  1.000e-02  2  900     100         10000
edel-1.grenoble.grid5000.fr    0           400  1.000e-02  3  1000    400         40000

Define Documentation


Maximum lenght of the device string


Maximum lenght of the string for process/thread binding


Maximum lenght of the string for suboptions


Default device

Function Documentation

void fupermod_conf_free ( fupermod_process_conf  conf  ) 

Frees memory allocated in fupermod_process_conf

fupermod_process_conf fupermod_get_conf ( MPI_Comm  comm,
char *  filename 

Reads a file and returns the configuration struct for that MPI process.

comm MPI communicator (should be MPI_COMM_WORLD).
filename filename string (default: ./conf_file).
fupermod_process_conf* fupermod_get_conf_all ( char *  filename,
int *  size 

Reads a machine file and returns an array of configuration structs. This function does not use MPI communicator and hence is suitable for serial programmes such as Partitioner. conf's are ordered as per machine file.

filename (default: conf_file).
size on return will be the size of that array and equal to the size of comm
fupermod_process_conf* fupermod_get_conf_all_sorted ( MPI_Comm  comm,
char *  filename,
int *  size 

Reads a file and returns an array of configuration structs in the same order as processes MPI rank.

comm MPI communicator (should be MPI_COMM_WORLD).
filename (default: conf_file).
size on return will be the size of that array and equal to the size of comm
void fupermod_print_conf ( MPI_Comm  comm,
int  root,
FILE *  file,
char *  default_device_type,
char *  subopts 

Prints a default usable conf_file for all of the processes in the current mpirun. This file can then be customised further by the user.

comm MPI communicator (should be MPI_COMM_WORLD).
root root processor to print
file File pointer to output file (default: conf_file).
default_device_type prints all device_type's to be this (eg "cpu").
subopts Suboptions passed to kernal
int fupermod_comm_intra ( MPI_Comm  comm,
MPI_Comm *  comm_intra 

Creates multiple communicators, each consisting of the processes running on the same processor.

Do not forget to free the result communicators.
comm MPI communicator
comm_intra intra communicator (non-MPI_COMM_NULL at all processes)
error status
int fupermod_comm_inter ( MPI_Comm  comm,
MPI_Comm *  comm_inter 

Creates a single communicator consisting of the processes running on different processors

Do not forget to free the result communicator.
comm MPI communicator
comm_inter inter communicator (non-MPI_COMM_NULL only on the first process running on the processor)
error status
char** fupermod_gather_hostnames ( int  root,
MPI_Comm  comm 

Gathers hostnames from all processors in comm to root process. Returns to root process a pointer to array of size: MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME * size.

root root processor to hold result
comm MPI communicator
char** fupermod_allgather_hostnames ( MPI_Comm  comm  ) 

Same as fupermod_gather_hostnames but all processors will have result.

comm MPI communicator