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"Extending τ -Lop to model concurrent MPI communications in multicore clusters",
Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 61: Elsevier, pp. 66-82, 08/2016.
Download: fgcs2016.pdf (985.73 KB)
"Model-Based Estimation of the Communication Cost of Hybrid Data-Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Clusters",
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 28, issue 11: IEEE, pp. 3215-3228, 11/2017.
Download: model-based-estimation-tpds-2017.pdf (1.65 MB); model-based-estimation-tpds-2017-supplement.pdf (871.33 KB)
"A Survey of Communication Performance Models for High-Performance Computing",
ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 51, issue 6: ACM, 01/2019.
"A tool to assess the communication cost of parallel kernels on heterogeneous platforms",
The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 76: Springer, pp. 4629–4644, 06/2020.
"Programming models and runtimes",
Ultrascale computing systems: IET, 03/2019.
Download: nesus-book-chap2.pdf (3.84 MB); nesus-book-chap2-summary.pdf (123.29 KB)