MPIBlib: MPI Benchmark library

API for shared libraries


#define MPIB_SHARED_INITIALIZE   "mpib_shared_initialize"
#define MPIB_SHARED_FINALIZE   "mpib_shared_finalize"


typedef int(* MPIB_shared_initialize )(MPI_Comm comm, char *subopts)
typedef int(* MPIB_shared_finalize )(MPI_Comm comm)

Define Documentation

#define MPIB_SHARED_INITIALIZE   "mpib_shared_initialize"

Name of the initialization function in the shared library

#define MPIB_SHARED_FINALIZE   "mpib_shared_finalize"

Name of the finalization function in the shared library

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(* MPIB_shared_initialize)(MPI_Comm comm, char *subopts)

Type of functions that parse suboptions and allocate global variables at all processors. Implement the function mpib_shared_initialize of this type in the shared library (optional).

comm MPI communicator
subopts suboptions
typedef int(* MPIB_shared_finalize)(MPI_Comm comm)

Type of functions that free global variables at all processors. Implement the function mpib_shared_finalize of this type in the shared library (optional).

comm MPI communicator