network-tomography 1.0

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NetworkTomography-Clustering-1.0.tar.gz 64.48 KB d567b16cc0d12eb64c9038756b5f169c
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Last updated: Wed, 29/05/2013 - 07:23

The clustering algorithm requires NetworkX to be installed. It can be downloaded from

BitTorrent Measurements
The BitTorrent-related data is in the 'bt-measurements' directory, provided by Kiril Dichev. It is an instrumented version of the original BitTorrent client written by Bram Cohen.

Clustering of Measured Data
The sources are in the 'clustering' directory, provided by Fergal Reid. It uses Louvain's method, and is implemented by Blondel

We use Python distutils to prepare the package. To install, you need to run untar the tarball, and run

python install - for the clustering package

If you are not root, you can install using:

python install --user

and then set in .bashrc :
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/.local/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/clustering

Running experiments
Experiments are run in two phases:
-BItTorrent measurements or simulation of BitTorrent measurements
-Clustering of the data