MPIBlib: MPI Benchmark library
Options for executables
Detailed Description
Since getopt cannot be reused, this module provides an interface for getopt, which can be used as follows:
X x; Y y; MPIB_getopt_x_default(&x); MPIB_getopt_y_default(&y); if (root == 0) { char options[256] = ""; strcat(options, MPIB_getopt_x_options()); strcat(options, MPIB_getopt_y_options()); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, options)) != -1) { MPIB_getopt_x_optarg(c, &x); MPIB_getopt_y_optarg(c, &y); } } MPIB_getopt_x_bcast(&x, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPIB_getopt_y_bcast(&y, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Options are divided into sets, which are managed by the following functions:
- MPIB_getopt_X_default - fills the parameters by default values
- MPIB_getopt_X_options - returns a string of the getopt options
- MPIB_getopt_X_optarg - fills the parameters by the getopt argument
- MPIB_getopt_X_bcast - broadcasts the parameters (parallel) where X stands for a name of the set.
Typical options for executables are as follows:
- -h help
- -v verbose
- -l S collectives shared library (required: a full path or relative to LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
- -o S suboptions (comma separated options for the shared library:
,subopt2=value2) - -O S collective operation defined in the shared library (required: the name must contain Bcast, Scatter, etc)
- -t S timing: max, root, global (default: max)
- -m I minimum message size (default: 0)
- -M I maximum message size (default: 204800)
- -S I stride between message sizes (default: 1024)
- -d D maximum relative difference: 0 < D < 1 (default: 0.1)
- -s I minimum stride between message sizes (default: 64)
- -n I maximum number of message sizes (default: 100)
- -p 0/1 parallel p2p benchmarking (default: 1)
- -r I minimum number of repetitions (default: 5)
- -R I maximum number of repetitions (default: 100)
- -c D confidence level: 0 < D < 1 (default: 0.95)
- -e D relative error: 0 < D < 1 (default: 0.025)
- -p I parallel mode or not: 0 / 1 (default: 0)
- -P I type of P2P experiments: 0 is default, 1 is scatter/gather based P2P: 0 / 1 (default: 0). Note: If using -P 1 you have to be in the <install-dir>/bin directory
- S - string
- I - integer
- D - double