CPM: A software tool for Communication Performance Modelling

Predictor of the execution time of p2p or collective communication

Instead of performing p2p communication or model-based collective communication, this routine performs the model-based prediction how long the communication would take. This tool does not require a parallel MPI run.


 $ prediction -n <np> -O p2p -i model.out -C Hockney -m 1024 -M 2049

will print the predicted P2P communication time for message sizes 1024 and 2048 bytes for each of the <np> processes with each other process. It is expected that the model.out was generated for <np> processes as well.

 $ prediction -n <np> -O MPIB_Scatter_binomial -i model.out -C Hockney -m 1024 -M 2049

will print the predicted communication time for the binomial tree implementation of MPI_Scatter with message size of 1024 and 2048 bytes processes. It is expected that the model.out was generated for <np> processes as well.