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Some members of HCL have access to Shaheen BlueGene/P at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ([1]) . In addition, some members has access to BleGene/P at West University of Timisoara, Romania ([2]).

Fupermod on Shaheen BlueGene/P

In order to compile fupermod on the BG/P the following commands should be run to load some libraries:

  1. module load bluegene
  2. module load essl
  3. module load gsl

Then, configure command can be executed as follows:

/fupermod/configure --with-gsl-dir=/opt/share/math_libraries/gsl/ppc64/IBM --with-blas=essl CFLAGS="-O3 -qarch=450 -qtune=450" --with-essl-dir=/opt/share/ibmmath/essl/4.4/