BitTorrent (B. Cohen's version)
From HCL
The modified bittorrent tarball is currently under the MPIBlib repository:
svn co
- Extract this under your home directory
- You might need
mv $HOME/lib/python $HOME/lib/python2.6
- export following variables to tweak the way Python paths are searched:
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.6/:<local-installation-path-of-Python-libs>
- Modify logfile path in /home/kdichev/lib/python2.6/BitTorrent/ and create according directory structure
- Create a file of any size consisting of "s" characters only.
- Create torrent file:
btmakemetafile myfile.ext http://<frontend on G5K>:6969/announce
- Stick the torrent file into $HOME/public at the frontend.
- It is then available from within G5K under{torrent file}
- Start the tracker on the frontend:
bttrack --port 6969 --dfile dstate
- Book nodes interactively:
qsub -I -lnodes=...
- Start one client that has the full copy
ssh <one-node> btdownloadheadless --url{torrent file} &
- On all other nodes, launch the client at the same time:
#!/bin/bash cd /tmp ; btdownloadheadless --display_interval 100 --url{torrent file}
mpirun -n 14 --machinefile hostfile $PWD/