- Subversion clients work with
directories - don't remove them. - Mind the version of the client (currently, 1.5, 1.6).
- - read only
- - authenticated user access
To submit
- Software sources: models, code, resource files
- Documentation sources: texts, diagrams, data
- Configuration files
- Test sourses: code, input data
Not to submit
- Binaries: object files, libraries, executables
- Built documentation: html, pdf
- Personal settings: Eclipse projects, ...
- Test output
Subversion for Users
A good linux client: RapidSVN.
RapidSVN, Gforge & passwords
Problem: RapidSVN doesn't directly support svn over ssh and so doesn't remember ssh passwords. And appares not to support passwordless authentication with publickey.
Solution: Use sshpass to remember password.
Note: this method involves having your gforge password in plain text, and so is a potential security risk - it should be different to other passwords etc.
Install sshpass >=1.05 (note current ubuntu usese version 1.04 which just hangs - so install from sources or Ubuntu 12.4)
edit ~/.subversion/config, in [tunnels] section add the line:
gforge = sshpass -f{path to file holding password} ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -o ControlMaster=no
Then check out with:
svn checkout svn+gforge://<user> fupermod
(where previously it was: svn checkout svn+ssh)