Login, job submission, deployment of image
- Select sites and clusters for experiments, using information on the Grid5000 network and the Status page
- Access is provided via access nodes marked here as accessible from everywhere via ssh with keyboard-interactive authentication method. As soon as you are on one of the sites, you can directly ssh frontend node of any other site:
access_$ ssh frontend.SITE2
- There is no access to Internet from computing nodes (external IPs should be registered on proxy), therefore, download/update your stuff at the access nodes. Several revision control clients are available.
- Each site has a separate NFS, therefore, to run an application on several sites at once, you need to copy it scp, sftp, rsync between access or frontend nodes.
- Jobs are run from the frondend nodes, using a PBS-like system OAR. Basic commands:
- oarstat - queue status
- oarsub - job submission
- oardel - job removal
fontend_$ oarsub -I -t deploy -l [/cluster=N/]nodes=N,walltime=HH[:MM[:SS]] [-p 'PROPERTY="VALUE"']
fontend_$ oarsub BATCH_FILE -t allow_classic_ssh -l [/cluster=N/]nodes=N,walltime=HH[:MM[:SS]] [-p 'PROPERTY="VALUE"']
- The image to deploy can be created and loaded with help of a Systemimager-like system Kadeploy. Creating: described here
fontend_$ kadeploy3 -a PATH_TO_PRIVATE_IMAGE_DESC -f $OAR_FILE_NODES
Compiling and running MPI applications
- Compilation should be done on one of the reserved nodes (e.g. ssh `head -n 1 $OAR_NODEFILE`)
- Running MPI applications is described here
- mpirun/mpiexec should be run from one of the reserved nodes (e.g. ssh `head -n 1 $OAR_NODEFILE`)
Setting up new deploy image
oarsub -I -t deploy -l nodes=1,walltime=12 kadeploy3 -e lenny-x64-nfs -f $OAR_FILE_NODES -k ssh root@`head -n 1 $OAR_NODEFILE`
edit /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update apt-get upgrade
apt-get install libtool autoconf automake mc colorgcc ctags libboost-serialization-dev libboost-graph-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran vim gdb valgrind screen subversion
Compiled for sources by us:
- gsl-1.14 (download:
./configure && make && make install
./configure --enable-shared --enable-sharedlibs=gcc --with-pm=mpd make && make install
Mpich2 installed to:
Installing MPE2 include files to /usr/local/include Installing MPE2 libraries to /usr/local/lib Installing MPE2 utility programs to /usr/local/bin Installing MPE2 configuration files to /usr/local/etc Installing MPE2 system utility programs to /usr/local/sbin Installing MPE2 man to /usr/local/share/man Installing MPE2 html to /usr/local/share/doc/ Installed MPE2 in /usr/local
- hwloc (and lstopo) (download:
compile from sources. To get xml support install libxml2-dev and pkg-config
apt-get install libxml2-dev pkg-config tar -xzvf hwloc-1.1.1.tar.gz cd hwloc-1.1.1 ./configure && make && make install
apt-get clean rm /etc/udev/rules.d/*-persistent-net.rules
Make image
ssh root@node tgz-g5k > $HOME/grid5000/imagename.tgz
make appropriate .env file.
kaenv3 -p lenny-x64-nfs -u deploy > lenny-x64-custom-2.3.env
When compiling gotoblas on a node without direct internet access get this error:wget
--2011-05-19 03:11:03--
Connecting to||:80... failed: Connection timed out.
--2011-05-19 03:14:13-- (try: 2)
Connecting to||:80... failed: Connection timed out.
Fix by downloading to the GotoBLAS2 source directory and editing this line in the Makefile
184c184 < -wget --- > # -wget
GotoBLAS needs to be compiled individualy for each unique machine - ie each cluster. Add the following to .bashrc
export CLUSTER=`hostname |sed 's/\([a-z]*\).*/\1/'` LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib/$CLUSTER:$HOME/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib/$CLUSTER:$HOME/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH
Run the following script once on each cluster:
#! /bin/bash
echo "Compiling gotoblas for cluster: $CLUSTER"
cd $HOME/src
if [ ! -d "$CLUSTER" ]; then
mkdir $CLUSTER
tar -xzf ../Goto*.tar.gz
cd Goto*
make &> m.log
if [ ! -d "$HOME/lib/$CLUSTER" ]; then
mkdir $HOME/lib/$CLUSTER
echo results
ls -d $HOME/src/$CLUSTER
ls -d $HOME/lib/$CLUSTER
Paging and the OOM-Killer
When doing exhaustion of available memory experiments, problems can occur with over-commit. See HCL_cluster#Paging_and_the_OOM-Killer for more detail.
Example of experiment setup across several sites
-Note: All these steps should probably be scripted into one command in the future.
Pick one head node as the main head node (I use grenoble, but any will do). Setup sources
cd dave/fupermod-1.1.0 make clean ./configure --with-cblas=goto --prefix=/usr/local/
Reserve 2 nodes from all clusters on a 3 cluster site:
oarsub -r "2011-07-25 11:01:01" -t deploy -l cluster=3/nodes=2,walltime=11:59:00
Automate with:
for a in 2 3 4; do for i in `cat sites.$a`; do echo $a $i; ssh $i oarsub -r "2011-07-25 11:01:01" -t deploy -l cluster=$a/nodes=2,walltime=11:59:00; done; done
Then on each site:
kadeploy3 -a $HOME/grid5000/lenny-dave.env -f $OAR_NODE_FILE --output-ok-nodes deployed.rennes
for i in `cat sites`; do echo $i; ssh $i kadeploy3 -a $HOME/grid5000/lenny-dave.env -f $OAR_NODE_FILE --output-ok-nodes deployed.$i; done
Gather deployed files to a head node:
for i in `cat ~/sites `; do echo $i; scp $i:deployed* . ; done cat deployed.* > deployed.all
Copy cluster specific libs to each deployed node /usr/local/lib dir with script deployed.all
Copy source files to root dir of each deployed node. Then make install each (node ssh -f does this in parallel)
for i in `cat ~/deployed.all`; do echo $i; rsync -aP ~/dave/fupermod-1.1.0 root@$i: ; done for i in `cat ~/deployed.all`; do echo $i; ssh -f root@$i "cd fupermod-1.1.0 ; make all install" ; done