BitTorrent (B. Cohen's version)
From HCL
The modified bittorrent tarball is currently under the MPIBlib repository:
svn co
- Create a file of any size consisting of "s" characters only.
- Create torrent file:
btmakemetafile myfile.ext http://<frontend on G5K>:6969/announce
- Stick the torrent file into $HOME/public at the frontend.
- It is then available from within G5K under{torrent file}
- Start the tracker on the frontend:
bttrack --port 6969 --dfile dstate
- Book nodes interactively:
qsub -I -lnodes=...
- Start one client that has the full copy: --url http://my.server/myfile.torrent --saveas myfile.ext
- On all other nodes, launch the client at the same time: